Mały ruch graniczny – jaki wpływ?

Autor zdjęcia: Dominika Studzińska

Na początku maja ukazał się artykuł Dominiki Studzińskiej oraz Stanislawa Domaniewskiego z University of Eastern Finland pod tytułem The Small Border Traffic Zone between Poland and Kaliningrad Region (Russia): The Impact of a Local Visa-Free Border Regime. Artykuł, będący produktem projektu EUBORDERSCAPES został opublikowany w czasopiśmie Geopolitcs (IF=0.61).

Poniżej zamieszczamy abstrakt artykułu:
After Poland’s accession to the EU, the Polish-Russian border became the EU external border. This significantly changed its nature and started the new type of cross border relation. Since 2012, when the Small Border Traffic (SBT) zone came into force, the border has changed its blockade function and started instead to be treated as a resource. The fundamental loosening of the border crossing regime reduced the social and functional distance between Poland and Kaliningrad, and in a broader sense between EU and Kaliningrad. This paper will try to show how small but meaningful initiative, the SBT, has had an impact on cross-border region. The present paper will describe the relationship between larger geopolitical actors and how they affect local border relations. The aim of this paper is to present phenomenon of new visa regime at the Polish-Russian border. The paper likewise describes the impact of the SBT on local communities and their economies, as well as national relations between adjacent countries. The analysis is based on the interviews and surveys conducted in the Polish-Russian border region in late 2014.

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